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Santa Irene Club de Vela Newsletter - 12 April 2006
Sorpresa! Sorpresa! Now we have had everything this year, Rain, Gales, Rocks on our launching site (they re still there) and a couple of weeks ago, thick sea mist.
Hobie Skippers were ready to fit Fog lights, but we waited a while and the warm
sun cleared some of it away. Eventually, George, Peter and Frank were able to
take the colourful Hobie fleet on the water. Peter was keen to try out his new
Hobie, it came from France near Marseille, he picked it up on a round trip from
the UK and trailed it to his home in Mojacar – it looks good.
The Hobie fleet is growing, if you want to be part
of it, check out the Hobie dealership in Spain, it’s at Calafell, just
north of Tarragona, there are always second-hand boats available. Phone Wind-Cat
House 977 693 072 or fax 977 691 677.
That misty Sunday was also BBQ day and I must say the
lads and lassies did us proud, our thanks to Mick, Salvador, Jim and Peter,
I’m not sure who was in charge!
As I said the rocks are still with us, but 200m away opposite the Trufi Bar the sand is still there, so last Sunday saw us launching from there – it may have to be our new launching site. Terry and I brought the Drascombe down from Garrucha and anchored off for lunch.
told you about the tall ship “Thalassa” which sailed into Malaga
with Lea y Les as part of her crew. Well last week she was in Motril, so we,
Lea, Les, Terry and myself, took the opportunity to visit her, what a beautiful
ship she is, we were made very welcome by Capt. Jacob and her crew. The 36 passengers
were off visiting Granada and the Alhambra.
After a tour of the ship, we sat in the comfortable lounge, sipping our drinks and dreaming of the south seas and exotic islands. She is available to charter, so if you have a few “bob” – send her an email, She may be in the Canary Islands next winter or on her way to New Zealand, who knows the future?
Visit their website
Steve, a sailor from Christchurch S. C. is with us, it’s been good to talk to him, I was with Highcliffe S.C. some 30-40 years ago. They are at opposite ends of Christchurch harbour. Steve sails a Scow, Mirror and Evolution, it’s another link with a sailing club – the more the merrier.
The Volvo boats VO70’s must have left Rio de Janeiro by now, next step Baltimore, then New York, Portsmouth, north around the UK to Rotterdam and finish at Goteborg, Sweden. The Dutch boat “ABN-AMRO-ONE” is the speediest with 52.5 points, 16 points in the lead, but still some way to go yet
Come and have a chat to us, who knows we may have 4 days
sailing for Easter week, on the Playa del Cantal, opposite Mr UK.
Take Care
John Talliss
Tel : 950 475 157
Movil: 658 548 790
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