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Santa Irene Club de Vela Newsletter - 9th November 2005
“The best laid schemes o’mice an’ men Gang aft a-gley”
Sorry, but I ad to change my plan to be at Harmony Gym on Sunday 6th November to welcome our runners back after their 10k run. The situation changed because I needed to be in Barcelona with our friend Salvador to collect his RIB which we ill now use as our safety boat, thanks to his most generous offer- to let us use it. This RIB is much superior to what we had in mind – 4m long with a centre consul, wheel steering and 30hp to give it speed, should we need it.
We’ve had two happy Sundays, on the 23rd; we welcomed the commodore of the West Cheshire Sailing Club, Anne Ardern and her husband. Having sailed the Hobie Cat, she then volunteered to be our very first Race officer, well you can’t get better than that – can you? So four of us crossed the start line, it was three laps around our Olympic triangle. I was in the Pastinaca – a bit like the slow boat to China, Paul did four laps to our three, so next time we should have a good handicap rating. Or if it’s a pursuit race, we start, half an hour before the others and they can catch us, sound right to me. Thanks Anne, you’ve made some good friends in Mojacar. Oh! They found us via our Website – now that’s called “Nautical Tourism”.
During the week the Drascombe was out, with Dermot, myself and two of the Walkers, Janice and Brian. It was a good sail to Macenas where we hove - to for lunch, relaxing in the sun, reading poetry from the BBC book “The Nations Favourite Poems”, very good, for just a few euros, a very happy day – you should try it.
Young Ben Ainslie is becoming a legend in the Finn Class, Four Gold Cup Titles in a row! In Athens 2002, Cadiz 2003, Rio de Janeiro 2004 and now Moscow 2005. Will we see him in the Beijing Olympics 2008, I’m not so sure, because he’s in the Team New Zealand Boat for the America’s Cup in 2007, so we wait and see what happens.
Have you bought your ticket for our annual Dinner & Dance plus entertainment, 30€, it will be a good evening. The date is Saturday 10th December, 8pm at the Puntazo Hotel, Mojacar. Phone Irene on 950 529 399 or Movil 627 656 115 or talk to me.
Now that first Line – yes its Robbie Burns Ode
to a Mouse
Take Care
John Talliss
Tel : 950 475 157
Movil: 658 548 790
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